The Original and classic American Chip Spice, enjoyed on a wide range of foods.
The Original and classic American Chip Spice, enjoyed on a wide range of foods.
Over the past 25 years people have found many different ways of using American Chip Spice such as adding it to mashed potato, baked potatoes, bolognaise sauce, pulled pork, pizza toppings, kebabs, burgers and potato wedges, and of course chips. ” Where did this ground breaking product come from? “ I hear you cry. Well (obviously!) American Chip Spice started in Yorkshire. Ok maybe that’s not so obvious. But that’s where it all began.
American Chip Spice is available at most ASDA and Morrison supermarkets. Also available from Wilson’s online store.
Hull was recently crowned the UK’s City of Culture for 2017, and here’s one possible reason why: The port invented a seasoning called ‘chip spice’ which you’ll universally find in all their chip shops and takeaways. The not-so-secret blend of salt, paprika and tomato powder is something Hull can be truly proud of.
The Hull Daily Mail puts Chip Spice at No.6 in ‘50 reasons Hull won the City Culture 2017’. At No.5 is J. Arthur Rank: (of Rank Hovis /film/Odeon Cinemas) and at No.7 is Hulls ever growing Freedom festival.
Hull is where it all began for this irresistible foodstuff. If you’re not exactly sure what chip spice is, think ‘salt made even more awesome.